The Merries

What a day down in Pipers Funfair Crosshaven. The girls had so much fun and are so lucky to have been given such a fun day out. Thank you to everyone involved.
Senior Trails

As part of our "Local Trails Month" in school third to sixth class visited Templebreedy Ruins to do some project work for History, Geography, English and Art projects.
Local Trails

Our younger classes stayed closer to the school while exploring our locality. All areas have been explored from nature trails for leaves, nuts and berries which were sorted by colour and identified using a key card; to beach fun at The Point. We also stayed on site and explored both The Church and The Convent too to see what has changed over time.
14th Oct 2024
Today, First and Second Class and the Infant classes went on a maths trail, to...
22nd Apr 2024
Today our Infants visited the Coastguard and got shown all the incredible work the...